Jumat, 23 September 2011

The Poplist with Jacuzzi Boys

A couple weeks ago the Florida-based rock & roll combo Jacuzzi Boys released their latest record Glazin�. I sure do hope you picked up a copy because it�s more fun than a busload of cheerleaders and makes everyone else playing reverbed-up, ramshackle and loose R&R look like they are trying too hard and getting nowhere. We asked them for a list of things they�ve been digging lately and Danny and Gabriel came up with some pretty boss stuff�..

First, here�s a song from the record: �Cool Vapors

Tattoos (Danny): Now this may seem like a funny choice, seeing as how I don�t have any tattoos, but lately I�ve been pretty interested in looking at, and learning more about traditional American tattooing. Now I really don�t know much about it, or know artists by name or anything, but watching the Tattoo Age special on Dan Santoro/Smith Street Tattoo Parlour really sparked my interest. All the guys at that shop hand paint their own flash and it�s really some of the raddest stuff I�ve seen in a while� The sheets just look incredible! And their aesthetic and approach to tattooing seems to have a certain respect for the past that I find pretty neat.

Cuban Coffee (Danny): One of the few things, if not the only thing I truly miss while out on tour. You can find a walk up window that serves it on almost any street corner in Miami, and no mater what time of day it is, it�s always a good idea to have some. It�s typically served in tiny little cups and it�s pretty much all you need� The coffee itself isn�t that strong though, but it�s loaded with a bunch of sugar. Every time I meet someone that�s never had any, I feel a slight obligation to introduce.

Christian Patterson (Danny): I�ve been a fan of his work for quite some time now, and it�s getting better and better! His first body of work, Sound Affects, dealt with the city of Memphis, Tennessee and how music plays a major part of everyday life there. And he just recently completed his most recent project Redheaded Peckerwood, in which he follows the path of two late 1950�s teenage serial killers and sorta creates his own fiction within the real-life facts. I encourage everyone to take a look at his pictures, you�ll be sucked right in.

Omaha� by Waylon Jennings (Danny): I think I first heard this song from our friend Rydel. He had made a mix CD of his favorite country tunes and we just about played the thing to death in the van� I remember liking the song, but it didn�t get its hooks in me until while later� I�m not sure I even knew it was Waylon Jennings, actually! Anyway, I finally got around to listening to Honky Tonk Heroes, and while I�m a big fan of the entire record, I just can�t get enough of �Omaha!� For me, it just has that special something that makes me want to play it over and over and sing along at the top of my lungs� This may seem a bit cliched, but it makes me want to be in a bar somewhere, drink in hand, drunkenly dancing and singing along with a woman that may be a bit too old for me.

The Point! by Harry Nilsson (Gabriel): So I finally saw the Harry Nilsson documentary Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin� About Him?)� It�s amazing. I found out about The Point!, his sixth album & animated film, through the documentary. I watched it soon after & was blown away� So cool! Really entertaining, silly, trippy & and smart. �Me and My Arrow� has been stuck in my head for weeks.

He-Man & the Masters of the Universe (Gabriel): I used to own every episode on VHS tapes, but I somehow lost them. I was so obsessed with He-Man as a kid that I would wake up an hour earlier than I had to to catch every episode. I had every single toy too. Netflix just made the series �watch instantly� & I�ve been seriously going down memory lane. It�s such a trip trying to remember what happens in each episode. It�s still so cool to me� what an awesomely weird cartoon.

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